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Showing posts from December, 2023


The basic projections are P.A and Lateral , ➢ Postero anterior (Dorsi-palmar P.A):- The patient is seated along side the table, the forearm is placed pronated on the table with the palmar surface of the hand in contact with the cassette. With the fingers slightly separated and extended to ensure that they remain in contact to the cassette. Centering point: - Center to the head of the third metacarpopalangeal joint. ➢ Dorsi-palmar oblique: - From the PA position the patient will now rotate his/her hand approximately 45° degrees, ➢ Another modified 15° degrees, Centering point: - Center to the 4th metacarpal bone. Essential image characteristics, The image should demonstrate the bones clearly and soft tissue outline no rotation or motion. References: MIT. Abdussalam A. Madaki and Cowen A.R (2019) Tutorial on the image quality characteristics of radiographic screen film combinations and their measurement, (medical Devices Directorate Evaluation report), MDD/94/34,ALTH.  


The basic projections are P.A and Lateral  ➢ Postero anterior (P.A):- The patient is seated along side the table with the affected side in contact with the cassette. Flexed the elbow joint and the arm is abducted, so that the anterior aspects of the forearm and the palm of the hand should be in contact with the cassette. The fingers are slightly separated to bring the anterior aspects of the wrist in contact to the cassette. Centering point: - Center mid way between the median and lateral styloid process.  ➢ Lateral: - from the postero anterior the wrist is rotated externally to bring palm of the hand vertically, the hand is rotated externally slightly further to ensure that the radial and styloid process are superimposed. Centering point: - Center to the lateral styloid process. Radiological consideration, The radiograph should demonstrate the all of the carpal bones clear and part of the metacarpal and forearm. References: MIT. Abdussalam A. Madaki and Cowen A.R (2019) Tutorial on th


The basic projections are A.P and Lateral ➢ Antero posterior (A.P):- The patient is seated along side of the table, with the affected side nearest to the tabletop. The arm is abducted and the elbow joint is fully extended with the forearm resting on the table. Centering point: - Center to the middle of the cassette or to the mid shaft of the bone. ➢ Lateral: - From the antero posterior position, the elbow is flexed and the humerus is internally rotated to bring the medial aspects of the upper arm, elbow, forearm, wrist and hand in contact with the cassette. Centering point: - Center to the middle of the cassette or to the mid shaft of the bone. Essential image characteristics . The image should demonstrate the radius and ulna, soft tissue outline and part of the wrist and elbow joint. References: MIT. Abdussalam A. Madaki and Cowen A.R (2019) Tutorial on the image quality characteristics of radiographic screen film combinations and their measurement, (medical Devices Directorate Evalua


The basic projections are A.P and Lateral ➢ Antero posterior:- the patient is seated along side of the table with the arm fully extended, so that the posterior aspects of the entire limb is in contact with the table top and the palm of the hand is facing upwards. Centering point: - Center midway between the median and lateral  epicondyles. ➢ Lateral: - The patient is seated along side  the table, with the affected side nearest to the table. The elbow is flexed and the palm of the hand is rotated   with the medial aspects of the wrist in a true lateral position, with thumb up. Centering point: -Center to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus. Essential image characteristics . The image should demonstrate all the bones of the elbow joint some part of the humerus and forearm, lateral and medial epicondyles.  References: MIT. Abdussalam A. Madaki and Cowen A.R (2019) Tutorial on the image quality characteristics of radiographic screen film combinations and their measurement, (medical Devic


The basic projections are AP and Lateral ➢ Antero posterior (A.P):- The patient laid in a supine position and rotate a little bit to the affected side so that the humerus can rest on cassette , with the elbow adjusted in a true A.P position. Centering point: - Center to the middle of the cassette or to the mid shaft of the bone. ➢ Lateral: - from the antero posterior position, the elbow is flexed with the arm abducted and then medially rotated to bring the medial aspects of the arm, elbow, and forearm in contact with the cassette. Centering point: - Center to the middle of the cassette or to the mid shaft of the bone. Essential image characteristics. The image should demonstrate the bone clearly and part of the elbow and shoulder joint and soft tissue outline. References: MIT. Abdussalam A. Madaki and Cowen A.R (2019) Tutorial on the image quality characteristics of radiographic screen film combinations and their measurement, (medical Devices Directorate Evaluation report), MDD/94/34,A


The basic projections are A.P and lateral oblique ➢ Antero posterior (A.P):- The patient laid supine or erect, and slightly rotated to the affected side approximately 15° degrees.  The opposite side should be supported with pad when the supine position is used, the arm should be extended and the hand rotated outwards so that the palm is facing the tube. Centering point: - Center 1inch (2.5cm) inferior to the coracoids process of the scapular. ➢ Lateral oblique: - from the previous position the arm and forearm should be abducted and flexed the elbow joint, with the forearm across the abdomen, and the forearm supported with the other hand. Centering point: - Center to the head of the humerus. Essential image characteristics, The image should demonstrate the bones of the shoulder joint clearly, head of the humerus and the end of acromion and part of the scapula. References: MIT. Abdussalam A. Madaki and Cowen A.R (2019) Tutorial on the image quality characteristics of radiographic screen